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Videos and Transcripts:

Transcripts are listed at the bottom of the page

Tics & Tourette's Videos

Empowerment & Information Video for Kids with Tics

Everything you need to know about Vocal Tics:

Types of Tics

Breathing Tics

PANDAS / PANS / Basal Ganglia Encephalitis Videos

A letter to those with PANDAS / PANS / BGE

PANDAS / PANS / BGE Presentation

Rage attacks and oppositional defiance in PANDAS / PANS / BGE

Flare Triggers


The majority of these transcripts (excluding the first one listed) have been kindly written up for Ticcer's Unite by Ben Drakes. Click the PDF icon next to the title to open or download the chosen transcript.

Informal PANDAS / PANS Interview with my friend from the panspandasawareness page

Should PANDAS / PANS be renamed Basal Ganglia Encephalitis?

Autism: Masking, Diagnosis and Mental Health (With Alex & Alex's dog Buddy)

Behavioural and Developmental Regression in PANDAS / PANS

What are psychogenic tics? (Functional Movements Resembling Tics)

Missing your tics?

My Personal View on Self-Diagnosis - Yay or Nay?

Top Tips for Communicating with Autistic People

Shifting your mind on difficult days - Tips for getting through hard times.

Rage Attacks & Tics in Public - Collab with Quinn from It's Tic Time

Everything you NEED to know about Vocal Tics

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